Sunday, April 21, 2013

On Watching You Play Your Very First Sport

My Sweet Girl,

I've been watching you play soccer via the cellphone videos your mommy posts online.  You are clearly a gifted player and by far, the best runner on the field (in my expert opinion).  Plus, you are so stinkin' adorable I want to scoop you up (I can't help it, God Mommies sometimes do stuff like that without warning). 

Your intensity and effort to get the ball are excellent and I hope you always attack the things you enjoy with that much gusto (look this word up).  I also love your energy and inquisitive (oooo, look this one up too) way of approaching the world.  I love the way you aren't afraid to speak up when you have something to say.  You are vibrant and lively and have a wonderful laugh.  And you look so much like your Daddy, who is--let's face it--a good-looking guy. 

Watching you run around the field in your jersey, hustling after the ball and chasing it toward the goalie's net is way better than even the Olympics.  I am so proud of you for getting out there and giving it your best shot.  Especially with such fearsome teammates to back you up.  Nobody's gonna mess with you guys on the field.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how much I love watching you play.  You are growing up so fast! Not a baby anymore--now you're a big girl with a big heart and a smile to match.  Hopefully, I will get to see you play in person one of these days.  I would like that very much.

Keep your eye on the ball and kick it as hard as you can!

Much Love,
Aunt Green

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